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No.6 Screening: Creator Spotlight

On the eve of the big day, We take a deeper look into the creatives behind Portsmouth Uni's Student Film night on the 31/05/24. See what happens when you finally get them away from their cameras and editing rooms to ask them questions about their projects.

Tickets for the screening still avaliable!

I was able to meet with three of the directors in order to pick apart their thoughts and feelings about the film premier. Ieystyn Jones and Ellis Jones spoke with me together; creating a passionate synergy around their films. I also was able to speak with Livvy Walker, The creative one-woman-band behind Metal Vengeance.

Blood Like Wine

Blood like Wine is director and writer Ellis Jones’ second university film, His first being A Guide to Grief in Space which will also be showing at the premier. Ellis is a lover of 80’s horror, goofy retro films and dynamic characters, They also have a passion for storytelling.

When talking about Blood Like Wine, Jones draws on their inspirations coming from Sam Raimi and other classic camp-horror directors. Specifying that they wanted to capture the “campy gothic horror of the 80’s” with their third year film by leaning into practical effects and comedy.

This is Ellis’ third year with Portsmouth University from where they will graduate in the summer, Ellis reflected on the excitement around the premier with fellow director Iestyn Jones. Ellis’ is a native to Portsmouth and first started University pre-covid, When talking about their 3 years at University Ellis’ spoke about “the things I’ve learned from my lecturers along with the creative connections I’ve made” being the biggest thing he’d gained.

Heavy Suspicion

Written and Directed by Iestyn Jones Heavy Suspicion is a dramatized true story about the hidden goings on in the science world. Iestyn reflects on the inspiration for their film and brings up Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer along with YouTube video essays about the true story covered in the Heavy Suspicions.

Iestyn is also a third year student alongside Ellis at Portsmouth University. When talking about the excitement for his film showing at a real cinema, Iestyn genuinely seemed so proud with an infectious passion for his film that even got me more excited than I already am. Iestyn described the experience as “really weird” and “so strange” but seemed ultimately optimistic.

When both creators were asked about challenges in making their movies, they both touched on the problems of budgeting and reshoots. Both projects relied heavily on fundraising to get them into production and both productions went through every directors worst nightmare, reshoots.

But both directors gave personal shoutouts to all their cast and crew, making sure it was clear that the films wouldn’t be what they are without the production teams. Ellis Jones spoke proudly about their cast, saying they did “an excellent job” while also giving a shoutout / apology to his mother for making the bathroom red with fake blood. Iestyn continued to speak proudly about his own cast and crew, describing them as “unreal” and that he was “very proud.” Both directors also gave shoutouts to their lecturers John, Dylan and Emma along with the No.6 cinema where the films will be being shown.

Metal Vengeance

Livvy Walker is the one-woman-band behind Metal Vengeance of which she wrote, directed and animated completely independently. The film also stars up-and-coming actress’ Cerys Goode and Tamzin Black who voice Vera and Misa respectively. Livvy unfortunately wont be in attendance at the event and said she is “sad that she can’t go but I’m very excited, I’ll be there in spirit!"

Walker also spoke in depth about her inspiration, bringing up animated classics like Adventure Time and She-Ra as big inspiration for her animated feature. Walker was very humbled at the thought of her movie being on a big screen by saying that she “feels like a famous star.

Livvy also gave thanks to the No.6 Cinema for showing her creation on their screen, showing real gratitude at the turn out for Student Films: “Its nice knowing that people wanna see the work of small time young adult film makers.” Walker also shouted out her friends and voice actress’ Cerys Goode and Tamzin Black who brought the animated characters to life along with her beloved pet dog, Clubz.

Livvy Walker is Manchester born but grew up in Devon and now resides in London where she is finishing her third year of Animation at the University of East London. Walker seemed elated that Uni was over saying “it was such a strain and I hated sacrificing my time, I feel free and like a weight has gone.” She also touched on the many challenges she faced during her project which included but was not limited to a broken laptop, a broken drawing tablet and receiving conflicting feedback.

All three directors spoke about what they were planning to do now that their undergraduate studies were over, their plans ranging from gaming to working on their own indie projects to going for a post-graduate degree. It was clear that every one of them had a real pride about their third year films.

It's not too late to get tickets!

Tickets are still available for the screening at the No.6 Cinema on 31.05.2024. Directors Iestyn Jones and Ellis Jones will be in attendance, Livvy Walker cannot make the screening but will have a representee at the screening along with some free stickers from Metal Vengeance.

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May 30

Thank you so much for representing me and Metal Vengeance! I appreciate everything you do!

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